Dead Meat / The Last Supper

Here’s a super quick-ass piece I did on Sunday. By far the quickest piece I’ve ever done, infact if I was organized enough I could do one of these on my lunchbreak everyday. But I’m far too much of a hungry man to waste valuable eating time. The piece is part of an exciting film project I’m involved in, and its also an image from my upcoming show at Lazarides in March. More details soon.

Monday Morning Glory


A few years ago in the months before Weekend Warriors, my 2nd solo show at Laz, I set myself a task each morning of doing a quick study before getting on with the larger canvases, kinda like stretching before going for a jog. And that’s exactly how the large paintings feel sometimes, like running a marathon, so its nice to bang out a few loose pieces to get myself going. I set my stopwatch (not saying for how long) and get going. It makes me make decisions I wouldn’t normally take, if I fuck up there’s nothing I can do about it.

All the studies are for my upcoming show at Lazarides in February 2012. I did a photoshoot in my studio a few weeks ago involving loadsa props and models so each of these studies will be a glimpse into the shoot before the show (haven’t decided whether I should put up pix of the shoot or not). So anyway, I’ll try and get a Morning Glory pic up everyday, I’m sure the results will be super varied.

Bloods Trilogy – We Come Strapped

Yikes, been ages since I posted (I’m blaming the World Cup). I’m waiting on shots of my canvases to come through from LA so I can get them up here. These are the 3 large(ish) paper pieces I did for Eurotrash.

I’ve always liked the similarity between Wellington’s Redcoats and LA’s badman gang The Bloods. Since the show was in LA, albeit a million miles from gangland I thought I’d put an OG twist on the pieces with gangsta rap titles.  

This is We Come Strapped (Compton’s Most Wanted album) and below are N Gatz We Truss (from South Central Cartel’s 1994 album) and The Booming System, not exactly gangsta but I felt LL Cool J’s title worked well with these boys loading up the canon.

Monster-Munch Super-Delux Bad-Man Dem

This is my piece for the Grifters show at Laz, you may not have noticed it if you visited the show as its tucked away in a corner on the top floor. I’m having a meeting with Jason Bourne in a few minutes to discuss appropriate punishment. Anyway, this is me drawing, she’s a big one, coming in at 4 ft x 3ft and features most of my actors – Bishop, soldiers, hot chick and a sousaphone.